Sales Strategy – find your first customer

  • 05.09.2024 at 09:30 - 12:30 / Onsite
  • held by Ben Huss
  • module: Marketing/
  • level: Advanced

IMPORTANT: Only for teams and scholarship recipients supported by Science & Startups from TU/FU/HU/Charité (especially Berlin Startup Scholarship, EXIST, B2M)

The workshop is particularly useful for those seeking their first pilot customer or facing challenges in converting interest into actual sales.

During the workshop, Benjamin Huss, an expert in sales and branding, will guide you through structuring an effective sales approach. The focus will be on strategies to attract and win over a pilot customer, a crucial step in building credibility and gaining traction.

After the main session, there will be time for questions, allowing you to discuss specific challenges related to your startup.

Following the workshop, the coach will offer two 20-minute slots for individual consultations with two teams. These consultations must be booked separately.

Language: English

Coach: Ben Huss

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