Tax law for start-ups

Start Date

March 11, 2025 9:16 AM

Duration in hours



TU Berlin, Coworking Space EINS/ Room BH-N 008, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin

Held by

Thomas Kühn



Startup Phase



open for all

Founders are primarily concerned with their idea. It is therefore plausible that, according to recognized studies, commercial deficits in particular stand in the way of successful business development. Against this background, founders often realize far too late what administrative obligations are associated with entrepreneurial activity. A sound basic understanding is also particularly important in the area of tax law.

Based on 10 practical questions, the seminar first provides participants with an overview of the existing tax jungle. In addition, the six most common tax mistakes made by business founders, as surveyed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, are explained.

Finally, the choice of legal form will be discussed from a tax perspective.

The aim of the seminar is to provide participants with the necessary basic understanding of tax law and to enable them to develop an awareness of problems so that they can address the necessary questions to experts at the right time.

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